We are now opening assignments of new members to Deacons to "all active" Deacons. Each assignment will be sent via email along with needed details. Us the attached protocol for initial and periodic phone contacts. Do initially meet your New Member after the New Member class located in the Library at around 10:30 am, Sundays.
Lastly completed the attached Personal Touch Summary form, by the 8th of each month.
NOTE: Brothers, please encourage your significant others to assist you in this process, particularly with meeting and interacting with females assigned to you.
NOTE: NW Deacons will only be assigned to members who join the NW site.
Thank you in advance for serving in this very important capacity.
Deacon Bonner
Click graphic to open "Personal Touch Summary" form
Click graphic to open sample Personal Touch Summary form.
Click graphic to open "General Diaconate Phone Protocol" form