The logo for New Creation Christian Fellowship reflects the Biblical and Theological thrust of our ministry. The logo contains a crimson cross a Butterfly interwoven with a Man.
The Crimson or Blood Stained Cross: Reflects the New Covenant fixed in the Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ that redeems us from the curse of the Law (Galatians 3: 13-14)
The Butterfly Interwoven With a Man: Signifies the New Creature in Christ. It reflects the transformation from the old low life of sin and death to the new risen life of freedom power and creativity in Christ
The Mission Statement of NCCF:
We will engage all people to become "New Creations in Christ", through Inspired word and worship, Inviting evangelism, Innovative discipleship, Invested lifestyle of salvation, holiness, stewardship and service...and God will grant the Increase.
The Vision Statement of NCCF:
New Creation Christian Fellowship (NCCF) is transforming lives through Jesus Christ.